Step 1: Download the Sasai App

 Download the Sasai App from the Apple App Store or Google Playstore if you haven’t already. Sign Up with your email address or social logins, verify your mobile number and enjoy loads of awesome features on Sasai.

Step 1: Download the Sasai App

 Download the Sasai App from the Apple App Store or Google Playstore if you haven’t already. Sign Up with your email address or social logins, verify your mobile number and enjoy loads of awesome features on Sasai.

Step 2: Tap on the Explore section of the App.

 Once logged in, at the bottom navigation bar tap the Explore icon. Once in the Explore section, scroll down until you find the ‘Remittances’ icon and tap on it.



Step 2: Tap on the Explore section of the App.

 Once logged in, at the bottom navigation bar tap the Explore icon. Once in the Explore section, scroll down until you find the ‘Remittances’ icon and tap on it.


Step 3: Tap on the Cassava Remit icon

Once inside the Remittances section, tap on the Cassava Remit icon. Create an account, if you don’t have one already and send money home to your loved ones, no fees attached. It’s that simple.

Step 3: Tap on the Cassava Remit icon


Once inside the Remittances section, tap on the Cassava Remit icon. Create an account, if you don’t have one already and send money home to your loved ones, no fees attached. It’s that simple.

Send money home to these countries from the UK or from South Africa

Download Sasai App



Download Sasai App

